How To Take Control, Get Started and Reach Your Goals
I’d be willing to bet that…
…you have at least one big stress or more than one stress,in your life right now.
In just a few moments, I’ll let you know how I deal with those stresses,
take control and turn those “stressers” into a reachable goals.
Your stress, like many of us, may be coming from a number of factors…
- a feeling of: lack of control
- Stress about the current state that you’re in
- general stress and/or anxiety on multiple levels
- your current state of health or lack there of (Chronic pain, over weight, multiple injuries, etc).
- Or a general sense of not knowing what to doing about your current situation
Now, often, we deal with these stresses by…
1. Doing Nothing, or…
2. Doing Everything
What do I mean by that?
With Doing Nothing: high levels of stress can be present when we are unhappy with the apparent state that we feel we are in.
This leads to a sense of overwhelm and lack of control. When we feel a lack of control we get “paralyzed” and we do nothing or have a lack of action. We continue with the same habits and patterns that perpetuate our current state because of not knowing what to do.
And in the same thought process, we will still wonder why things are not changing.
Like Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
This can lead to the “Why me?” syndrome where you feel like you have no control and that everything is “happening” TO you.
With Doing Everything: I also see far too often that… we will try “a little bit” of everything and anything to help our current stress or situation only to give up quickly either because it feels like it isn’t making a difference or that we had temporary success and then return to our old habits.
This is the diet syndrome. You know what I mean, don’t you. We’ve all lost 10 or even 20lbs on a diet at some time in our lives, right?
We use a diet, whatever that diet might be, and we lose weight. Why? Because we were ready to lose weight. But…because it’s a diet, what happens? We stopped the diet and we return to our old, eating habits and return to our previous level. Bummer.
The reason why the diet doesn’t work is that it is temporary. When we go off the diet, we return to our previous level.
The only way to make lasting changes to your current situation, whatever it may be, is to change your thoughts and actions. If you improve your current thoughts and actions, and you do it repeatedly creating new habits, you will get positive, lasting results.
I told you that I would get to the solution.
The solution starts with what I call, The “I” factor.
The “I” Factor is your ability to enhance your “state”, thereby, allowing you to enhance your thoughts and actions. And by improving your thoughts and actions and continuing this pattern, you develop positive habits that lead to positive results.
Here are some Key components of the “I” Factor:
It is the awareness of you current state, including where you’re at and where you want to go or what goals you want to achieve. Now, if you reading this post or listening to it, you have already initiated “The Awareness” phase.
It goes much deeper than that but for this post, the “I” Factor and “awareness” allows you to move forward from where you are now and move forward towards where you want to be with respect to you life.
Now, with Awareness, comes Control.
Often we can’t moved forward from where we are because we “feel” that we don’t have control.
Now is the time to take control. You may not believe it, but you are in control of your thoughts and actions and THAT is the key.
Once you realize that you are in control, you can set specific goals for what you want to achieve and move forward with a plan of action.
And planning out how you will achieve your goals (whatever goals they are), and taking action is a key step in achieving them.
In review, use The “I” Factor to recognize and become “aware” of your current state. Know that YOU are in control of your situation and in control of your thoughts and actions. Enhance your thoughts and actions and enhance your life. Make a plan and take action.
Down load the FREE PDF of the “I” Factor to use as a reference
If you’d like to go deeper into the “I” factor or The Conquer Your Pain Formula, check out my other posts/videos or programs.
And Remember, as always:
Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well