Use Your G.P.S. To Reach Your Health & Wellness Goals:
As a physical therapist and someone who suffered with chronic pain for years, I can tell you that the journey towards wellness can sometimes be challenging and it doesn’t always seem like you’re getting anywhere and sometimes it can seem like you’re even going backwards.
But your ability to move forward is directly linked to your ability to choose to move forward.
I’m here today to talk to you about setting your direction or your path towards wellness.
You see, very often when we’re stuck in a cycle of pain, stress or anxiety, it is easy to complain about the situation and your inability to do anything about it but in the same respect, you may not be doing anything about it or you are doing the same things you have always done and not getting any results.
Remember it was Einstein that said,: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It may seem simple but you need only to “CHOOSE” to move down the path towards wellness and you will start to reach your goals.
It’s like setting a destination in your minds GPS system. If you set your goals for your health and wellness and then create a plan to reach those goals, you will begin on the NEW journey that will get you results.
Now, normally GPS stands for Global positioning system. It is where we set a destination for where we want to go. we plug in the address of where we want our journey to arrive at and the GPS system plots out a course. Now there may be traffic or accidents or challenges but we we know if we stay on course we will eventually reach our destination.
Now, MY GPS stands for:
Goals, Plans & Strategies.
Your goals are the specific goals you will set for yourself with respect to your life, your health & wellness, your family or anything.
Your plans will be figuring out how you will accomplish your goals and
your strategies will be how you will exactly carry out the plans that will enable you to reach your goals.
That means specifics as to when, what and how you will do what you need to do to reach your goals.
And just like the Global positioning system, if we set our goals and create a plan to reach them, there may be challenges along the way, detours and obstacles but you will eventually reach your goals if you stay on the path ou have set in your minds GPS.
You need only to choose your path.
Now, available with this Blog post/podcast audio, you can download FREE my GPS Action Plan to get started today.
It’s from my FOCUS & Be Well Boot Camp.
But because I know it will help you today I want you to download it here for FREE, to get started towards reaching your goals NOW.
Now there is more to it than that but I want you get started today. If it helped you out check out my FOCUS Boot Camp and sign up.
Well I hope you liked this Information and as always:
Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be FOCUSED & Be Well
Have a Great Day