

3 Tips On How To Run Your Day Without Stress

Jul 20, 2021 | 0 comments

3 Tips On How To Run Your Day Without Stress

Hi, I’m Mark Marino.

“Your ability to manage your time and your day is directly related to your ability to manage yourself”.


But the good news about that is managing yourself is a choice.

I’m going to talk today about three tips to help you run your day without stress

Jim Rowan said…

“You either run your day or your day runs you”.

So here’s an example of a stressful day:

Your alarm goes off and you hit the snooze button, 10 minutes, go by.

The alarm goes off again. You hit the snooze button again and then you grab your phone off your nightstand and you scroll through Instagram and or Facebook or both.

And you see about all the things that people have posted since the last time you checked it, which was probably right before you went to sleep.

Now, this gets your mind going about all the things that you’re either not doing or want to do or need to do compared to all the people on social media.

Now, guess what?

The alarm goes off for a third time and you finally get up, but we all know that that’s probably underestimating. It could have been four or five times.

Now you get up and you start getting ready for the day, but you realize you’re scurrying around because you’re 15 minutes behind because you know, you should’ve gotten up 15 minutes earlier.

Now you scurry around and get yourself off to work and possibly get the kids off to school.

And you were running too late,  so you didn’t have time to make yourself lunch, but you figure you’ll stop at your lunch break and pick something else up for yourself.

Now you check your emails when you get to work and you realize there were two, really time sensitive, important things that you needed to reply to, but you forgot about them.

So now you have your lunch break and you have to figure out how you’re going to do them.

And so you didn’t have time to eat lunch. So you grab an unhealthy snack in the lunch break room.

Now, as the rest of your day goes on, you forgot about the after school activities that the kids have.

So now you have to get three kids to five activities in two hours. How are you going to do it?

Well, amazingly enough, you get it all done with the help of grandparents and neighbors and being a little late for things.

And then you get home exhausted and you realize;

“oh no, I didn’t think about dinner”, (queue the, pulling out your hair scene).

So you figure out dinner and you put it together and you either do takeout or you  somehow do a wonderful concoction with things that you have in the refrigerator.

So now dinner’s finished at 8:30pm and you sit down to watch your favorite show on Netflix, but what happens then?…you fall asleep in the middle of the show.

So you drag yourself up to bed too late, usually.

And then you wake up in the morning to your snooze alarm and the whole thing starts over!

Does this sound familiar?

Well, This is an example of The Day Running You!

Well, maybe this is not you, or maybe this used to be you or it’s some part of it is a version of you and you could see how this would be stressful and overwhelming.

Now, imagine this day in and day out.

Now, it doesn’t seem very sustainable. Does it? Well, it’s not, not without consequences anyway! 

So how do you run your day?

Here’s 3 Simple Tips that you can do.

First:  Make The choice.

Now this is first and foremost, you Make The Choice to manage yourself and manage and run your day without letting external forces run you.

Second is: Planning Your Day.

You plan out each day, preferably in the beginning of the week, maybe on Sunday, where you plan out how each day will go.

What appointments do you have?

What appointments does your partner have?

What about your kids? What appointments do they have?

This allows you to schedule and plan out what’s needed for each appointment during your day and for the whole week,

What supplies are needed?

What rides will be needed?

What do you need to shop for? et cetera.

This all is planned out for each day and for the whole week.

Also, take 15 minutes in the evening to review what’s needed for the next day. Now, if you’ve planned out in the beginning of the week, this should just be a review and slight adjustments as needed.

Also plan out what not to do.  Try to avoid looking at social media and email in the beginning of the day, because this has a tendency to have you reacting to the external forces, planning out your day FOR you, as opposed to you planning out your day.

Also, try to go to bed at a reasonable time to allow for a healthy nights sleep.  This can make a big difference in you having the proper energy to go through your day.

Third is:  Be Flexible and Adjust Accordingly.

Remember things will happen and can change. So we need to be flexible, but the more you’ve planned out your week and each day, the less stress you’ll have. And the more control you’ll have when things change.

So try these three tips for running your day. First, make the choice to manage yourself and manage your day to plan out your day and schedule it in the beginning of the week and plan out each day and three, be flexible and adjust accordingly.

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I want you to have a great day and remember as always…

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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