

How To Break Your Negative Cycle & Get The Results You Want

Nov 9, 2021 | 0 comments

How To Break Your Negative Cycle & Get The Results You Want

I am here from a hotel room this weekend and, I didn’t want to miss my video for this week. And, you know,  I’m at a conference and it was a phenomenal experience and it just confirmed and reminded me of my passion of bringing my message out to the world, to as many people as possible, uh, enhancing your mindset to decrease the stress and overwhelm that can happen in life, whether it’s from, you know, past traumatic event or, um, chronic pain that you’re going through or just the stress and the overwhelm of everyday life.

I remind myself sometimes that there’s somebody on the other side of this video, that it may be you, that’s looking at this video and maybe having a tough time in your life, maybe going through stress and overwhelmed from everything that’s going on during your day.

And then it seems like this negative cycle is never going to stop. And you’re wondering why you can’t get anything done.

You know, that’s where I was. That’s part of why I brought this message out and why I’ve been working on this for the last 10 or 15 years and why it’s become my passion.

You know what I went through with my accident when I was in chronic pain for five to seven years. And when I finally got to the point where I realized it was my mindset that made all the difference in the world that changed my life

And so I’m trying to bring that message of mindset, focus and reaching your goals, out to the rest of the world and bringing it to basically as many people as I can.

It is my desire for people to see that they are in control. You are in control, you can enhance your mindset.

You can get the results you want. You can break the negative stress of anxiety and overwhelm it’s within your grasp. I want people to see that they can find clarity in what they want is to seek clarity.

But first, what happens is very often when we’re stuck in a negative cycle, when we are only focusing on pain and problems, we don’t see that there is a positive path out of this negative cycle, which is why one of my favorite sayings is…

“Awaken Your Mind And See Clearly The Path

That Leads To The Accomplishment Of Your Goals.”

…Mark Marino

So, finding clarity in what you want, having a positive outlook or attitude committing to yourself, that you know that you can get the results in life.  That you focus on understanding yourself.  Being present in the moment which being present in the moment is allowing yourself to understand or let go of past traumatic events and understanding that the future is not something to worry about.  To stop worrying about a future that hasn’t happened yet.  To use the future to set goals and have that help you make decisions in the present.   

Be solution oriented. Because if you’re solution oriented, your brain will start to focus on the things that you need to do to get positive results. But if you focus on pain and problems, if you’re stuck in that negative cycle and you focusing on pain and problems all the time. Guess what; your brain will give you more pain and problems.

So again, it’s my passion to help people improve their minds, improve their focus, to improve their motivation, and to help you get the results you want.

And again, for me, enhancing my mindset and improving my focus was transformational. For me, it made all the difference in the world. It changed me from being in a state of chronic pain for seven years to no longer having chronic pain.

It is my goal, my desire, my passion, to help as many people as humanly possible to help them enhance their mindset and enhance their focus, to get the results they want to see in their lives and help them break the negative cycle.

What I’ve been doing since I’ve launched “Awaken Your Wellness Now”, and what I’ll be doing in the future, and for as long as I possibly can, is to bring my message out to the world, to help people see the results they want to get in their life.

And so just as a review and a reminder…

I want you to know that you have so much more strength than you realize you have more control than you know.

Because when we’re stressed and we’re overwhelmed, it doesn’t feel like you have any control. Does it?  Become aware of the state that you’re in, know that you can break the cycle, and start focusing on the positive thoughts in your life and start focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want and know that you can reach those goals that you want for yourself

But you need to get clarity on what you want. When you get clarity and you know what you want, you can stop focusing on what you don’t want.

It’s so easy when we’ve lost sight of where we want to go, that it’s easy to focus on the pain and problems that we’re currently in.

So again, I want you to know that YOU ARE STRONG, know that YOU ARE IN CONTROL, and that you can reach those goals that you set for yourself.

Well, I hope this information helped you out.

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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