

Why Your Mindset Matters Most

Jan 25, 2022 | 0 comments

Why Your Mindset Matters Most

Watch the Video Version of my blog above where I bring in for a little sneak peek into my garage for a renovation I’m doing on my 150 year old house. It will end up being my future office for everything that I do for awaken new wellness now.

Today I’d like to talk to you about mindset. Our mindset is a way of thinking that determines our outlook and our attitude in life.

And if you have the right mindset or a positive mindset, it can enhance all areas of your life.

But the challenge comes in when you get caught in, what  I call a “Negative Mindset Loop” and when you have a negative bias in certain areas of your life.  When there is a  past traumatic event or something that’s going on in your life right now. 

Whether it’s has to do with your job or relationship or any other area of your life. There is a tendency to have a negative bias and to not progress forward in these areas of our life.

Today I’m gonna talk about…

Why Your Mindset Matters Most

Napoleon Hill said, ….

“Our only limitations are those we set up in our own mind.”

So when you’re caught in a negative mindset loop, you start to have a negative bias about everything that has happens in your life.

You have a Negative belief system that says;

“I don’t deserve to be happy” or

“I don’t deserve to do well in this area of my life.” 

And you have a tendency to focus on the

“I can’ts” and

“I could never”, and

“I don’t believe that I could be happy in this area”, or

“I’ll just be happy when I get to this point.”

You know, when I work with people, I talk about finding clarity and having choice and commitment and being present in the moment and being solution oriented.

But first I focus on developing your mindset because if you first develop what I call a Proactive, Positive Mindset, then everything else starts to move forward.

Now, Steve Mariboli said,

“Once you change your mindset, everything on the,

the outside will start to change as well.”

So, if you’re stuck in that negative mindset loop and you have a negative bias towards any area of your life; whether it has to do with something you’re going through right now or a past traumatic event or past traumatic events for that matter, we have to first focus on your mindset and start focusing on devolping a Positive, Proactive Mindset.

So that will put you in a better frame of reference to move forward from there.

Let’s talk about setting goals, for instance.  If you’re setting goals and you’re stuck in a negative mindset loop, what’s going to happen is, you’re going to set goals that are not going to work out. You’re gonna set goals like,

“I’d like to lose weight”, Or 

“Maybe, someday I’ll find a new job” or

“I’d really like to change this aspect of life.”

But, You see, if you go from a negative bias, it’s not going to happen because you’re not in the right frame of mind.

But the interesting thing about mindset is, our mindset is developed from our past thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. So the cool thing is, that you can change it from now forward. 

But the first step is recognizing that you have this negative bias and that you’re stuck in this negative mindset loop. And once you recognize it, that’s the key.

So the key is to flip the switch from having a negative mindset or being caught in the negative mindset loop, and switching to the Positive Proactive Mindset.  It’s the recognition that you are caught in this loop.

So once you recognize it, then you can start to work on it. And as with most things, the recognition is the key and it’s the awareness that you are in a negative state and that you can work on it.

Focusing on things like,

Instead of saying, “I can’t”, you say “I can” 

Instead of things like,  “I would never”, you say “I will”,

Instead of asking questions, like, “Why am I in so much pain or why is this happening to me?”

Start to ask the question, “How can I make this better? How can I improve? How can I improve my relationship? How can I improve my work situation?”

If it’s a past traumatic event… That event has happened to you already.  So instead of… “Why did this happen to me?”, recognize that this happened to me and the question you could ask yourself is,  “How can I move forward?

If you have chronic pain and you’re focusing on, “Why do I have so much pain?”, start to focus on… “How can I improve my wellness? How can I feel better? How can I move forward and reach my goals?”

So the key is switch switching from the negative mindset.  And it may take you a little while.

So it may be switching from negative to neutral and then neutral to positive and develop the ability to say…

…”I can”, instead of “I can’t”, the ability to change to “I will” instead of, “I never could.”

Thomas Jefferson said…

“Nothing can stop the man with a positive mental attitude, but nothing in the world can help a man with a negative mental attitude.”

So if you’re stuck in that negative mindset loop and you have a negative bias towards everything you look at.

But if you recognize it and you become aware of it, you start to flip that mindset to a positive one, then everything on the outside will start to change.

You see happiness has to do with your mindset, not with your outside circumstances.

We’re always gonna have things happen to us. There are always going to be challenges in life. But the difference is how you react to those challenges.

You could have a negative mindset and a negative bias, or you could say, “Okay, this is happened. This is the situation. This is how I will deal with it. And this is how it will get through with it.”

And by developing a positive mindset, you’ll start to see that it becomes a habit.

You can switch from a negative mindset and develop a positive mindset loop.

And as I said before, your mindset is a way of thinking that determines your outlook or attitude.

So now when you’ve developed a positive mindset loop, this is when you set your goals. This is when you find clarity on what you want.

And then you’ll start to notice the differences. Let’s say with a relationship. Now, you’re focused on having a positive relationship with communication and love.

If it has to do with your job, you focus… “How can I make my job, the best it can possibly be? And if I can’t, how do I move forward? And maybe possibly change my job.”

If it has to do with a past traumatic event, …the event has happened.  How do I deal with that event? I don’t forget it. How do I accept that it’s happened and move forward?

So recognizing, becoming aware that you’re in this negative mindset loop and that you have a negative bias towards certain aspects of your life is the primary key because once you recognize it, and once you’re aware, you can start to focus on and work on having a positive mindset.

And as you move forward, your positive mindset will start to enhance all areas of your life. Not only the areas that you’re having challenges in. 

And as you move forward, you will start to recognize when this negative mindset or negative bias starts to pop up. If that negative bias starts to come up again, you can squash that down. Instead of saying, I can’t, you’ll say I can instead saying why me, you’ll saying, how can I move forward?

So if you’re how having a tough time now, and you’re stuck in this negative mindset loop, and you recognize that you have a negative bias towards some aspect of your life, I want you to know that you CAN move forward.  That there are other people that have gone through what you’re going through. That there’s help out there that you can move forward from where you are now, and you can reach the goals you set for yourself.

I Hope you’ve enjoyed the content this week and that it was helpful in some way.

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


How To Start The Year With A Positive Mindset

Another mild day out here in the bamboo before the winter season gets here and it’s too cold to do this outside.

I want to talk to you today about… How To Start The Year Off With A Positive Mindset.

You know, it’s the holiday season and we’re all so busy. And, before we know it, we snap our fingers and the new year is here. But most times what happens is, we look at the new year and we’re lucky to make a quick new year’s resolution on new year’s Eve, about an hour before the ball drops.

We get to the new year and a resolution was something like I’d like to lose weight, or I’d like to take a vacation next year or improve this aspect of my job or that aspect of my job.

Then we get about three weeks into the new year and studies show that about 85% of people drop their resolutions and have gone back to their old habits. So now why does that happen?

You see what happens is, we usually go into the new year and most of us carry around the same baggage that we’ve had from last year. And we don’t focus on our mindset. Where really, our mindset should be the first thing we focus on.

So what I’d like you to do, instead of jumping right into the new year and just starting something off that you’re unsure about how you’re going to do, like lose weight or start an exercise program; I want you to start first, with your mindset. 

This can be challenging. But in these last few weeks of the new year, because here we are in December, instead of just going into a new year and surviving the holiday season, what I’d like you to do is spend at least an hour each week for these last three weeks on your Mindset.

Now, I know you’re busy, but you can definitely do this. Spend an hour with pen and paper.  And I want you to focus on what your goals are. And I want you to focus on your mindset because if you get your mindset right, everything else will follow.

And I want you to think about it this way.

What would you do, And what would your goals be,…

…If you knew you could not fail?

Now, I talk about my Focus Formula.  The first part of my focus formula, when I’m doing my courses and when I’m coaching people is to focus on your mindset. 

You’ve heard me talk about The Mindset Loop, where first it starts with your thoughts and beliefs and your thoughts and your beliefs lead to actions and your actions done repetitively are your habits. And what you do with your habits repetitively become your results. 

…But it starts with your thoughts and beliefs about yourself.

So if you’re having stress and anxiety and you’re feeling overwhelmed, whether it’s the holiday season or the rest of the year, you should first, focus on your mindset.

First, you have to start to believe in yourself and have positive thoughts about yourself. To know that you’re strong enough to know that you are in control.

And if, in these last few weeks in the year, you focus on what your mindset is and then write your goals from there and write specific, clear, focused goals, you will see all the difference in the world this year.

And when you’re setting your goals, do it with pen and paper.  I want you to be clear as you possibly can. It’s about finding clarity and setting clarity in your life.

So if you want to set a specific goal for yourself for this new year, set goals, right down to numbers and measurable events.  If you want to get a higher salary, what salary would that be? And how would you do it?  If you want to lose weight, what weight will you be? What are the amount of pounds that you will lose and how will you go about doing it? If you want to start a wellness program, how will you start that wellness program and what other steps?  But you need to write it all down.

So I want you to do is focus on this year in a different way than you have in the past.

You’re going to focus on your Mindset.

George Lucas said,

“Always Remember, Your Focus Determines Your Reality”.

So if you focus on your mindset and you get clarity on what it is that you want specifically and what your goals are for the new year, you will go into the new year with a plan of action that you’ve never had before.

The through point that I use through all my teachings, In all my content is…

“Awaken Your Mind And See Clearly

The Path That Leads To

The Accomplishment Of Your Goals.”

…Mark Marino

Awaken your mind, focus first on your mindset, get clear in your thoughts and everything else will follow.

So again, this week, it was just a short message from the bamboo. And I hope this helped you get a little bit more focused on how you can use this holiday season to improve your new year and start the new year off with a positive mindset.

So again, take an hour each week with pen and paper, sit down, focus on your mindset. I want you to start out by writing out:

“I am strong. I am in control”.

And then I want you to write down specifically what it is you want to accomplish this year. And then you can plan out how you’ll make that happen.

Again. Remember my quote,…

“Awaken your mind and see clearly

the path that leads to the accomplishment of your goal.”

Focus first on your mindset and your beliefs about yourself and improve them. And then your actions will come from that. And you’ll have positive actions that come from your positive thoughts and beliefs about yourself that will lead to positive habits and give you positive results.

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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