

How To Move Past Your Pain

Mar 1, 2022 | 0 comments

How To Move Past Your Pain

You know, today, I was going to talk about a different topic, but then I had some interactions over the past few days, with different people, And it changed my focus as to what I was going to talk about today.

Now, as you may know, I’m a physical therapist and the interactions I had over the last few days were with people that were dealing with chronic pain and they all had one thing in common….

So today, I’m gonna discuss… How To Move Past Your Pain.

Now, as well as being a physical therapist, I am also someone who suffered with chronic pain for seven years after surviving a serious car accident with severe injuries and multiple surgeries.

And over those seven years, and over the next two decades, I developed strategies to help conquer the chronic pain cycle as well as stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

And when I was caught in that cycle of chronic pain and I was trapped in, what I call “The Negative Mindset Pain Loop”, I too shared the one thing that keeps many people trapped in the cycle that they are so desperately trying to break out of.

And that one common thing is…


Perseverating most of your day, and sometimes all of your day on your pain, whether it’s physical pain or emotional pain and perseverating on those past traumatic events that you feel are responsible for your pain.

Your ability to move past your pain or to move forward despite your pain, is directly related to your ability to focus on what you want on the other side of your pain, and to give yourself permission to let go of, or to reframe those past traumatic events that you feel are causing your pain.

And this usually happens when you have a transformational moment, what some people call an aha moment. When you finally say enough is enough, and you switch from a pain mindset to a goal oriented mindset, where your mind focuses on what you want to accomplish.

This is when you choose to move forward past your pain and focus on your goals rather than focusing on your pain.

So now I wanna talk about what I call

“The Perseveration Paradox”

Now, the term perseveration, comes from the root word “to persevere”. meaning: “to continue on determinedly” or “to persist, to persist with clear intention.”

But what happens is when your clear intention is gone, the only thing that remains is persistence, and this persistence without clear intention is where we’re said to be perseverating.

In the fields of psychology and psychiatry, the word perseveration has a negative meaning where it usually means the repetition of a response regardless of the absence of a stimulus.

So when you’ve lost the ability to persevere through the pain or the reason for your pain is no longer, supposed to be there, or your tissues are supposed to be healed, we continue to perseverate on the pain and the past traumatic events that you feel caused your pain.

So with “the Perseveration Paradox” and to break the Negative Mindset Pain Loop, instead of perseverating on the past and your pain, I want you to choose to positively perseverate on the present, to perseverate on your goals and what you will accomplish.

So if you perseverate on anything, positively perseverate on the present, perseverate on your goals and what you will accomplish. And you will persevere through the pain to the other side, or you will persevere despite your pain.

So I know that’s a lot of “P”‘s with the Perseveration Paradox, but in review, I want you to remember to focus on what you want and to focus on your goals.

And instead of perseverating on the past and your pain and the past traumatic events,  positively choose to perseverate on the present to focus on your goals;

…To focus on what you want to accomplish, and you will persevere through your pain to the other side, or you will persevere despite your pain and reach your goals that you set for yourself.

But first it’s recognizing that you are stuck in this negative mindset pain loop and to have that transformational, “aha moment” to say, “enough is enough” and that you are in control and that you are strong enough to persevere through the pain or persevere despite the pain.

Well I hope this information helped you in your day.

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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