

3 Tips To Break Your Stress Cycle & Get Back On Track

Mar 8, 2022 | 0 comments

3 Tips To Break Your Stress Cycle & Get Back On Track

Have you ever said to yourself; “I am so stressed out and overwhelmed that I just can’t seem to get anything done.”

So wouldn’t it be nice to break that negative cycle and get the results you want in your life?

Well, today I’m going to talk about: The 3 Steps To Break Your Stress Cycle & Get You Back On Track.

So when it seems that you are chronically caught in a stress cycle, what do you do?

The stress and the overwhelm has you seemingly paralyzed to getting anything done during your day and you just don’t know how break the cycle.

You’re saying things to yourself like this stress is killing me.; “This job is killing me. My partner and my spouse is stressing me out, or I just can’t continue under this pressure.”

And when you’re saying these things to yourself, you are unknowingly keeping yourself trapped in this cycle.

Now to help you break this cycle, I’m gonna give you my 3 “R”‘s to Get back on track. And I promise you you’ll never look at stress the same way again.

And those 3 “R”‘s are…

  • Recognize
  • Reframe and…
  • Reset.

Now, first let’s look at Recognize.

One of the most important steps in making any change in your life for the better is to recognize your state and to become aware.

Eckhart Tolle said,

“Awareness is the greatest agent of change.”

Now, once you can recognize the stress cycle that you are in and how it is affecting you, then you can make the choice to change. You can make the choice to change how it is affecting you.

Now, Andrew Bernstein said,

“The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jam, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about those circumstances.”

And Marcus Aurelius said,

“If you are distressed about anything, external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your own estimate of it. And this, you have the power to revoke at any moment.

Now, once you have the recognition of your stress and the awareness of your state, and you have made the choice to change, now, it is time to reframe your thoughts and your mindset as to how you respond to those circumstances.

Now, Maureen killoran said,

“Stress is not what happens to us. It is how we response to what happens.  And response is something we can choose.”

Reframing how you react or respond to your circumstances and how you speak to yourself is one of the most important tools that you can use in reducing your stress and how it affects you during your life.

So be careful how you speak to yourself because your mind is always listening and you’ll bring into your existence, what you speak.

But the great thing about self-talk is that you have control over it, but it takes time and practice. So don’t beat yourself up. It took years to create this habit of negative self-talk and it will take time and practice to create a new positive habit of positive constructive Self-talk or what I like to call a Positive ProActive Mindset.

But what you will see is if you start to reframe the responses of the circumstances in your life, you’ll start to see immediate results, and you’ll be surprised by the effects that it has on your life.

So when you say your spouse or your partner is “killing you” or the stress is “killing you”,  you are literally speaking that into existence and you are slowly telling yourself that the stress is killing you and therefore your interactions and responses in those areas of your life will always cause you increased stress because that’s how you’ve decided to respond in those situations.

So first things first, I want you to recognize each time during your day that you say out loud or to yourself that you’re stressed, you’re overwhelmed, you’re mad, I want you to change it to the opposite constructive, positive thought.

So here’s an example.

“This job is so stressful.” Well, you can change that to;  ‘this job is challenging right now. How can I improve my situation at work.”

Here’s another example. “My partner’s really stressing me out”. Well, you can change that too. “It looks like my partners really having a tough day. How can I be there for them?”

You can change the word “I can’t or never” to the word “I can.”

You can change the word “I won’t” to the word “I will try”.

But here’s the thing you have to want to change.

Now, that reminds me of a funny joke…

“How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?”

“Only one, but the light bulb REALLY has to WANT TO change!” 

LOL (Que the laugh Track right)

But joking aside, if you really want to make a change in your life, to break the negative stress cycle, know that you have the power and the control to make it happen.

Williams James said…

“Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

Now Jill Botte Taylor said,

“Peace does not mean that your life is always blisful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blisful state of mind, amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.”

So now the you’ve recognized your stress state and you’ve reframed your thoughts and your self talk to respond to your circumstances with what I call a Positive ProActive Mindset, Now you’re ready to Reset.

And you reset by taking that Positive  ProActive Mindset and setting specific goals for yourself.

And now when you get clarity about what you want, you set specific goals for yourself, and then you focus more on reaching those goals.

Then, You will focus less on reacting to the circumstances in your life in a stressful way.

So remember to reduce stress in your life. Remember the 3 “R” ‘s,

  • Recognize your state,
  • Reframe your thoughts and your self talk and
  • Reset to set specific goals for yourself and focus on taking action to help you reach those goals

Well I hope this information helped you in your day.

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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