

Transform Your Pain To Power In Minutes

Mar 22, 2022 | 0 comments

Transform Your Pain To Power In Minutes

Now I’ve done a lot of videos since I’ve started, but this week I pulled some of my top listeners and I asked them; what did they want to hear me speak more about now?

I got some great responses, but there was definitely what I would call a “through” line.

Now they all said they love my content, but they would always love more tips and tricks. I on how to break their negative thought cycle or what I like to call the negative mindset loop.

And this negative mindset loop is when you’re feeling or experiencing pain and that pain can either be emotional or physical.

So let me ask you a question.

  • Do you feel powerful?
  • Do you feel like you’re calm and in control?
  • Do you feel like you’re focused in the moment?


  • Do you feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed?
  • Do you feel like you’re having a bad moment, a bad day, a bad week, even a bad month?
  • Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, whether it’s either emotionally or physically.

So today I’m gonna talk about some tips that will help you Transform Your Pain To Power In Only Minutes.

Now, Tony Robbin said

“Where your focus goes, your energy flows.”

Now, when you’re experiencing pain, you’ll have feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm. And when you’re feeling powerful, you’ll have feelings of focus and calm and control.

When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. What are you thinking about? What are you focusing on?

Think about it. What are you focusing on when you’re stressed and overwhelmed? Are you focusing on anything positive? Are you focusing on happy thoughts? No. Right?

You’re focusing on the negative.

  • You’re focusing on all of the things you’re still stressing about.
  • You’re focusing on all of the overwhelm in your life.
  • You’re focusing on everything that you can’t do and why you can’t do it.
  • You’re focusing on why you don’t have enough time to get everything done.
  • Why nobody understands you and what you’re going through.
  • Why are you so stressed?
  • Why can’t you stop thinking the way you’re thinking?

So let me ask you this. Do any of these negative thoughts help you when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed? What do these negative thoughts do for you?

Well, I’ll tell you what they do. What they do is perpetuate the negative cycle that you’re in and they perpetuate the feelings of stress and overwhelm.

So how do you stop this negative cycle in the moment you need an interrupt?  What you need is to interrupt or short circuit this loop so that we can change your negative focus to focus on the positive.

So remember; “where your focus goes, your energy flows”.

So how do we change this negative cycle in the moment? Well, you know, I love tips and tricks and acronyms to help you remember to how to, how to do things. So, so today I’m gonna give you my ABC Squared Method to help you transform from pain to power in minutes.

Now it’s squared because for each letter you get two tips.

So the letter “A” in the ABC method is awareness and action.

The letter B stands for breath and B being present,

and the C stands for calm and control.

So now let’s go back and look at each one.

Now the, A stands for awareness and action. You’ve heard me talk about awareness many times and awareness is almost always the first step. So to break this negative mindset loop that you’re in the first step is to become aware and recognize the fact that you’re in this state and that it is up to you to take action, to change it.

You have to make the choice to break your cycle. You see, getting mad at circumstances or getting mad at somebody that has nothing to do with your ‘state”,does not help.

But what does help is becoming aware of the state that you’re in and taking action. And taking action is changing your focus to what you want rather than what you don’t want.

Remember, you have 100% control of how you respond to any situation.

Now that’s the a “A” of ABC: Awareness and Action.

So the B in ABC is Breath and Being, or Being Present.

Now, the way we respond to any situation during our day is very important to a healthy mindset. Stress can come at us from all different sources, but what we don’t always realize is that the stress doesn’t actually come from that external situation. What the stress comes from is our THOUGHTS about that situation.

Now, a great thing about your breath and breathing is that it’s a physical activity and that physical activity can be used as an interrupt for our negative cycle.

You see, it’s very challenging to change your stressful state by just using your thoughts. In other words, it’s very hard to change your mind by using your mind, but if you physically relax your body and your nervous system, which is what you can do with your breath and breathing, then your mind can also become in a more focused, calm, relaxed state.

And you will be more receptive to change your state from a negative one to a positive one. So instead of reacting quickly to an outside stress with a negative emotion or anger, I want you to take a pause, take a breath.  Take a deep, slow breath. And by taking this pause and this deep slow breath, it gives you the moment to find your calm and control and gives you better perspective and gives you the ability to find yourself in a state that will give you the constructive, positive response that you want.

And it only takes a moment.

Now breathing techniques can do more than just reduce stress and anxiety studies have shown that it also helps in…

  • improving your focus,
  • reducing pain levels,
  • and also reducing blood pressure.

And when you’re feeling more focused and less pain, your mind will shift, naturally, to a more positive state.

Now, the second B in the ABC method is Being, or Being present, Being present in the moment.

Now, when you’re stuck in this negative mindset, your mind is not focusing on the present. We are perseverating on some past traumatic event or something, or someone that said something to you or did something to you that you feel is the cause of your pain or your cause of your negative mindset.

Or you’re worried about something in the future that may never happen, or may never come to pass.

So being present in the moment is allowing yourself to let go of, or reframe those past traumatic events that you no longer have any control over and focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want, which allows you to be more present in the moment.

The C in the ABC method stands for Calm and Controlled.

Now, when you’re in a negative mindset loop where pain loop, you’re much more likely to respond and react to circumstances that happen during your day in the same negative mindset that you’re caught in.

So you see in effect, you’re looking at your world through your own set of negative glasses, and you’re listening through a negative set of ears. So your mind is already biased to the negative,…

…but by becoming aware and being present in the moment, you will start to develop what I call a Positive, ProActive Mindset, and you’ll start to find your calm & control. And then what will happen is you will start to bias your life towards the positive.

You will start to see things through your own positive glasses and listen through your own positive ears. Now, this does not mean that everything is fine, and that you start to look through what people would call rose colored glasses.

But what it does mean is that you’re wiping away that negative film that allows you to see things clearly and allows you to respond with a constructive, positive response and reaction rather than a negative bias.

And one of the ways to, to help you see more clearly is also to get clarity about what you want.

Now, I wasn’t gonna add this here, but I think it’ll help you. And it only takes a few moments. So even though  the awareness and breathing, and the calm and control can help you really literally in seconds, this next thing I’m gonna give you is going help you in minutes.  Anywhere from three minutes to 15 minutes.

And that is my…

4 M mindset method

And it’s quick and easy, and we’re gonna go through it right now.

The first “M” is Making The Choice.

It’s not making a choice.  It’s making THE choice.  The choice that you are in control, and that you are strong enough and that you will take action to improve your state and go from a negative state to start focusing on a positive one.

The second “M” is: Make a List

You’re actually making three lists.

Your primary list of the first list is gonna be things or activities that you know that you want or need to accomplish. These would be your goals, but if you’re stressed in the moment, and you want to see an immediate change, then these are the things that you need to get done in the next 24 to 48 hours from where you are right now.

The secondary list is the list of things that you need to get done, but can be pushed off past 48 to 72 hours over the next week.  So you don’t stress about those things.

Now, the third list that you’re going to make are all of the things that you’re stressing about right now that you have no control over.

Now, this is one of the most important things, and this is the most fun things with this list.

What I want you to do now is focus on everything on this list. And then I want you to cross out the list and a, if you want to individually cross out each one on the list, that’s great. Because what you’re doing is giving yourself permission; giving yourself permission to let go of the things that you have no control over.

Now, the third M of the 4M Method is to: Make A Plan.

This is where you figure out all of the actions that you need to take to accomplish the things that you want on to accomplish on that primary list.

And that should take you a few minutes to write that down and figure out exactly what you’re going to do and the exact actions that you need to take.

Now, the fourth M in The  4M method is: Make A Schedule…

…because you can make all the lists you want, but if you don’t schedule out how ayou going to do it, then it’s not going to happen.

So, the First M was Make The Choice.

The second M was Make A List.

The third M is Make The Plan.

And the fourth M is Make A Schedule.

Now by using the 4M Method, you will get quick clarity on what actions you’ll be taking…

Now, Next and… Not At All.

So in review, to break the negative mindset or pain loop that you’re in and to transform from pain to power in just minutes, I want you to use the ABC squared method.

Now remember the, A stands for Awareness & Action. 

To become aware of your state and make the choice to take action and find your calm and control, and that you know, that you have the power to change your state.

The B stands for Breath and Being, being present in the moment.

Using your breath and your breathing to help interrupt the negative cycle that you’re in to find your calm and control to improve your ability to be present in the moment and to respond to situations in a positive, constructive way.

And the C stands for calm and control.

And remember use my 4M Mindset Method to get quick clarity on what you want and to understand what you will take action on now, next and not at all

I hope this information helped you out!

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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