

How To Feel More Alive & Stress Less

Apr 19, 2022 | 0 comments

How To Feel More Alive & Stress Less

I think that we are all striving to feel more alive and to feel like we have a purpose in our life.

And if you don’t, it’s because you feel too much stress in your life and you don’t know why.

So today I’m going to discuss…

How To Feel More Alive & Stress Less.

Your ability to feel more alive and to feel less stress, go hand in hand and are directly related to your ability to be present in the moment.

Now, what do I mean by that?

When you’re feeling stressed and when you’re feeling overwhelmed, usually you are anywhere but present in the moment.

So follow me on this one.

When you’re ruminating over something in the past, whether it’s…

  • something that you said or did to somebody or
  • something that somebody did or said to you that you feel hurt you or
  • some traumatic event or events that happened to you in the past,

You think excessively over and over and over again, what happens is, that takes a part of you. It takes a part of you from your present self. And what happens is that part of you gets held captive in the past, and that your present self becomes smaller in the moment.

Now add to this worrying about a future that hasn’t arrived yet. We’re worrying about things that might never happen at all. Things that might happen.  Things that are going to happen, but you’re worrying excessively about it.  We worry about things like our job, our spouse, our partner, we worry about our kids. We worry about our health. 

This negative cycle or what I call a Negative Mindset Loop keeps you focused on past events and future worries, and you be become more stressful and less present in the moment.

“So if you perseverate on the past or worry about the future, you end up missing the present.”  …Mark Marino

So this means that in a present, you are not focusing on what you want to accomplish in a purpose driven day, in a purpose driven way.

You end up just reacting to the pressures of the outside world. And this increases your stress levels because you feel like everything is happening to you and that you have no control.

So how do you turn this around and become more present in the moment, more alive and have less stress in your life.

So do you just become more present in the moment?

BAM!, …You’re more present in the moment because Mark said you would be more present in the moment and everything will turn out, right? And you’ll be be more alive and have less stress in your life.

Well, we know it doesn’t work that way, right?

Now to varying degrees, we all worry about past events. We all worry about the future. It’s normal, but what happens is it becomes a problem when it’s excessive and then it becomes paralyzing to you in you’re present now because your mind is not here.  It’s not NOW.  It’s actually anywhere, but now, or should I say …”Any When” but Now.

So here’s what we need to do. We all need to, and should continually focus on our mindset.

We all need to work on our mindset every day, all the time.

Our mindset can be our own best friend, but our own worst enemy as well.

You need to continually focus on becoming aware of your thoughts and choose to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want to prevent yourself from focusing excessively on past traumatic of the ends and worrying about a future that hasn’t happened yet.

And by getting clarity about who you are, what your values are and what you want to be do, and have, will allow you to be able to be more focused on a purpose driven life in the present.

And the degree to which we can do this, we will lead a more purpose driven life, be more present in the moment, more alive, and to be less stressed in our life.

Now, to help you remember this, I’m gonna give you an acronym and you know how I love my acronyms and today’s acronym is action.

Now, I can’t believe I’m gonna do this, but this reminds me of cheerleaders when I was playing high school and college football. And there was the action song that they did, and it went like this… A. C. T. …I. O. N. … Action!  Action!  We want Action!  So there you go. That’s my cheerleader song.

So the A in ACTION stands for Awareness.

Become aware of your thoughts. Are you excessively thinking about past traumatic events or worrying about future events that haven’t happened yet?

Remember either of those takes away from your present self. If I’m worrying about past traumatic events, that’s part of me that’s worrying about the past. Another part about me worrying about the future, making me less present in the moment and the more I’m less present in the moment, the more stressful I will be and be reacting to the environment and the environment will be happening TO me.

The C in ACTION stands for Choice.

Make the choice that you will make a difference in your life and that you will choose to become more aware and be more present in the moment.

The T in ACTION is Take action.

Taking action is actually setting goals for yourself. Remember we were saying, getting clarity on what you want to be, do, and have setting specific goals for yourself. 

By setting goals for yourself, you will actually be creating your future. And that allows you to make decisions in the moment to lead a purpose driven life.

The I in ACTION stands for… In the moment.

You want to be in the moment.  In the present.  In the now.  There is no time but NOW!  The past already happened. The future hasn’t happened yet.

Now!  The moment is right now.  How will I decide to be in the moment in the present?

The O in ACTION stands for… On purpose.

By setting specific goals for your self, for what you want to Be, Do, and Have you are creating your future and it allows you to make decisions in the moment to live life on purpose, to be purpose driven rather than allowing life to happen to you.

The N in ACTION is just simply… NOW.

Be in the Now. 

Be in the present. 

Be more alive,

and that you will see, if you’re purpose driven and you set specific goals for yourself, and you reduce the excess of ruminating over past traumatic events or worrying about the future, that you will also feel more alive and you’ll feel less stress in your life.

I hope this information helped you out!

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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