

How To Follow Through On Your Goals

May 3, 2022 | 0 comments

How To Follow Through On Your Goals

So, you set a goal for yourself…

…and then you work at that goal for a while, but then you give up on it and you go back to your old habits and you just go on with your life.

So why does that happen?

Why is it so hard to set a goal for yourself and then to make it happen?

So today I’m gonna discuss:

How To Follow With Through With Your Goals.

Following through on your goals comes down to committing to yourself and taking positive action towards the accomplishments of the goals that you set for yourself.

Now, a commitment is defined:  dedicating yourself to something like a person or a cause.  A commitment obligates you to do something. It’s basically a promise. It’s a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in.

Now, Sometimes commitments are large like marriage, and sometimes it’s committing to a job and that you’ll show up every day and do your job well. A employer commits that he’ll pay you every week for your work that you’ve done. There are smaller commitments too, like showing up at a certain time to meet a friend. I’ll meet you after work at six o’clock or a commitment can mean you’re meeting your friend on a certain day to play tennis, or you’re going to service on a Saturday or a Sunday.

The commitment I’m talking about today is the commitment to yourself. You will accomplish goals to the degree to which you commit to yourself and to the specific goals that you’ve set for yourself

To commit to yourself, you need clarity. And the challenge that most people have is that they do NOT have clarity on what about what they want.

Now think about it. How can you commit to yourself or to something, If you are not clear about what you want. 

If you do not have a true commitment to something, it means that you’re only interested about something, not committed to it. And if you’re just interested about something, you will usually not stick to it.

If you’re think to yourself; well, I was thinking about losing weight, likely you will give up on the attempt to lose weight very quickly, because you’re not committed to it.

Or if I was just interested in starting an exercise program.  If you’re not truly committed to yourself and you didn’t set specific goals for exactly how you will accomplish that, you will soon lose interest and you will not stay committed. And therefore you will not reach the goals that you haven’t set for yourself.

Now, when I’m working with somebody, I use my Focus Formula to help you get results. And when we start off, we work on finding clarity on what you want. We find clarity on what your values are and what’s important to you. We find clarity on what you specifically want to Be, Do and Have in your life.

I’m going to go through some quotes about commitment, and then we’re gonna talk a little bit about some of them.

So the first quote is:

“The biggest commitment you must keep is the, your commitment to yourself.”

 from Neil wash.

And that’s what we’re talking about here.  But That truly, to follow through on your goals, you must first commit to yourself and the specific goals that you want to set for yourself.

But as I said, for you to commit to yourself, you need clarity about what you want to be, do, and have, and you need to set specific goals.

Now the next quote is a, an anonymous quote…

“The real value of setting goals is not the recognition or reward. It’s the person we become by finding the discipline, courage and commitment to achieve them.”

So remember first off, I said, the way to follow through in your goals is commitment to yourself and taking positive actions towards a accomplishing those specific goals that you set for yourself. So the reward comes when you taking action towards your goals and that’s where the discipline and the courage and the commitment comes in; To first commit to your goals and commit to yourself.

Now, the next quote is by Jim Rohn,

“Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.

The motivation is the why. It’s the why behind why you want to reach the specific goal that you’ve set for yourself. And the commitment is what keeps you going. That’s the discipline of taking action, setting a plan for what you’ll specifically do to help you reach those specific goals.

Next quote is…

“Commitment leads to action.  Actions bring your dreams closer.”

So, like I said to follow through on those goals, it’s committing to yourself, but it’s taking positive action. Becuase if you just set a goal, but you don’t plan out what actions it will take to accomplish that goal, those goals will not come to realization.

Now the next quote is two quotes  from Vince Bardi,…

“Most people fail. Not because of a lack of desire, but because of a lack of commitment.”

“The quality of a person’s life is in a direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”

The key is, in whatever you do, it’s the commitment to excellence and how you take on those positive actions to help you accomplish those specific goals, that you set for yourself.

The next quote is from Peter Drucker,…

“Unless a commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes, but no plans.”

Like I said, if you don’t make a commitment, you’re really only interested in something. And if are only interested in something, before long, you’ll lose that interest and you will not accomplish the goal that you set for yourself. But by committing to yourself, what happens is you’ll start to plan and take positive actions towards reaching those goals.

Les brown said,

“I don’t think that as a participant in life, you cannot be committed. You’re either commit to mediocrity or you commit to greatness.”

Now, I don’t know, necessarily, that we would commit to mediocrity, but I think a lack of committing to greatness, we have a tendency to fall down into mediocrity.  So I’d say, let’s commit to greatness, Shall we.

Heidi reader said,…

“Commitment is the foundation of great accomplishments.”

Again, if you don’t commit to yourself.  If you don’t dedicate yourself to accomplishing those specific goals that you set for yourself, whatever it is; whether it’s setting goals specifically for yourself, whether it’s helping other people. Whatever it is.  Unless you commit, then those great accomplishments won’t happen.

Abraham Lincoln said,…

“Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.”

Remember, commitment is a dedication, to something.  A promise to yourself to accomplish something.  To accomplish something that you set out specifically to do. So if you don’t commit to yourself, that will never come to reality.

Another anonymous quote,…

“Decide, Commit, Succeed.”

Now, as I said, in many of my other videos, deciding is the choice to choose that you will commit to something.  To take positive actions towards successfully accomplishing your goals.

So, decide, commit, succeed!

Now Tony Robbins said,…

“The only limit to your impact, is your imagination and your commitment.”

Now, if you have imagination, but no commitment, then you will not have an impact. But if you add commitment to that.  If you promised yourself that you will accomplish the specific goals that you set for yourself, then your impact may be limitless.

He also said,

“There’s always a way if you’re committed.”

Now, if you set a specific goal for your destination.  A specific goal for what you want to Be, Do, and Have, there may be times in life where you have challenges, you have obstacles, you have roadblocks, but if you have commitment and that promise to yourself to accomplish a specific goal that you set for yourself, then there’s almost nothing that can get in your way.

So, as I said in the beginning, the best way to follow through on your goals is to have that commitment to yourself, to  take positive, constructive action towards the specific goals that you have set for yourself. And then to follow through with a plan.

If you have the commitment, then that will stimulate the plan to take the positive actions that will help you achieve those goals. 

I hope this information helped you out!

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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