

2 BIG Tips To Stop Being Overwhelmed

May 10, 2022 | 0 comments

2 BIG Tips To Stop Being Overwhelmed

Hi, I’m Mark Marino.

Your ability to break your stress cycle and to stop feeling overwhelmed, depends on your ability to actually recognize the state that you’re in and to take action to break that cycle.

So, the last couple of weeks I’ve had a lot going on and I’ve definitely felt more stress and overwhelmed at times. So I sat down with two of my tools that I use all the time with my clients and it made such a huge difference.

So today I’m going to discuss:

2 Great Tips To Stop Being Overwhelmed.

So like I said, not gonna lie, the last two weeks I’ve had a lot on my plate, felt more stressed, more overwhelmed than I got to the point where I really was stopping me from functioning properly.

And I said, okay, I have sit down and practice what I preach and use the tools that I use for my clients. And it just made such an amazing difference.

And I’m going give you two tools.  But these two great tips are really like seven great tips because each one is packed. The first one has three tips. The second one has four tips.

So the first one, and I’ve talked about it before, in the last six weeks, but it made such a big difference for myself this week and it does for my clients as well is the  3R System.

Now the  3RS is to..

  • Recognize, to
  • Reframe and to
  • Reset.

Now the first “R” is Recognize.

It’s to Recognize and become aware of the state that you’re in.  To actually recognize that you’re stressed, you’re overwhelmed and you need to do something.

You need to change something to come out of this stress cycle.

Thict Naht Hahn said…

“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed”

and Robin Sharma said

“Awareness, proceeds change.”

So, one of the first things to do in that first R is recognize, is to become aware of the state that you’re in is to actually recognize that you’re in a stress cycle that you feel overwhelmed and that you have to take action to break that cycle.

Now, the second R is to Reframe, to reframe your thoughts.

Victor Frankel said, and I’m gonna paraphrase this.

“Everything can be taken from a person, but the last of human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

I means to consciously focus on having a positive attitude because when you’re stressed and you’re overwhelmed, it’s very easy to get caught in a negative mindset loop. And it’s very hard to break that loop.

So, first it’s recognizing that you’re in that loop and it’s to consciously decide to have a positive, constructive attitude with the way you look at situations through your life and what you’re going through.

Now the third R is to Reset.  To reset your mindset. Now, Steve Mariboli said,…

“Once your mindset changes everything on the outside will change along with it.”

The key is to be able to change your mindset from negative to positive. And it’s very hard to change your mindset just by using your own thoughts. It’s an anonymous quote, I believe and it says…

“Changing your thoughts with your thoughts is like trying to grab fog.”

So we need something physical to help us to change our mindset or to break that cycle.

Sometimes it’s just taking three deep breaths and relaxing and focusing only on your breath or let’s say you’re in a stressful or overwhelming situation.

  1. Take those three deep breaths.
  2. You can go outside, step away from the situation.
  3. Exercise, go for a workout, go for a walk,

Whatever it is that makes you feel better in the moment that helps you break the cycle. A physical activity will help change your mindset more than just thinking about your mindset.

  • So the first great tip was the  3R’s which is to… recognize your state,
  • reframe your thoughts and to
  • reset your mindset.

So that was really three great tips in the one. wasn’t it.

So my second great tip is…

The 4M Mindset Method.

And that’s going allow you to actually sit down and write something down to help you break this cycle of stress and help you stop being overwhelmed.

So the first M is to Make The Choice,

…not make a choice, make a choice like getting a cup of coffee. Making THE Choice is choosing to have a positive, constructive attitude and choosing that you’re going to break the stress cycle that you’re in.

Now the second M is to Make A List

You’re actually, going to make three lists.

I want you to sit down and prioritize.

First list is… “What do I have to do today and tomorrow to help break the overwhelm that I’m in and to help break the stress cycle. Because stress usually comes when we’re overwhelmed by all the things that are coming at us and we’re not sure what to do first. So we kind of shut down because we’re too overwhelmed.

So you’re going make a list. The first list is going to  prioritize the actions that you need to take today and tomorrow to get the things done that you need to do.

The second list is what things can you push off to that 48 to 72 hours, that you can do later on, that may be on your plate right now, but are overwhelming you.

So when you make that second list, you can say, what can I push off to three days from now? What can I push off to next week? And then that will be moved up to what you have to do from 24 to 48 hours when you get there 3 days later.   But that will be later.

That will helpnyou to prioritize, in your mind, what needs to be done now, what needs to be done tomorrow? What needs to be done the next day, what needs to become next week and next month.

So then there is the third list this is an important list is to write down the things that you have no control over, but you seem to be having a lot of stress about and are overwhelmed by.  

Write It Out!

Because if you write them out, it makes such a big difference.  Because, then it goes from your head,… down onto the paper.  It helps you to focus on those things.  Focus on those things that you have no control over, but yet you’re stressing over.

Then, what you’re going to do with this list is to actively cross out that list and allow yourself to LET IT GO!

You can go write down that list and cross out each thing on that list, individually if that works better for you. And that will mentally help you to reset and decrease the amount of overwhelm that you’re having about those things and give yourself permission to let go of the things that you have no control over.

So the third M is to… Make A Plan.

This is when you write out the things that you need to do, …even if it’s what you need to do in the next hour.  Then focus on the day…today.

Then it’s…What do I need to do tomorrow?

What do I need to do to check off the things on your list that you have prioritized as things that you need to get done.  This will help decrease your stress because now, you’ll have listed out everything that you need to do to get it done.

Now the fourth M, and it’s one of the most important, is to Make A Schedule

…because if you don’t schedule out the time to do the actions that you’ve planned out to accomplish the things that you want to accomplish, it’ll never get done.

Some people would say,

“If it’s not scheduled, it doesn’t exist.”

  • So that is The 4M’s.
  • To Make THE Choice
  • Make A List, your three listS, prioritizing what needs to be done now, then pushing off what needs to be done later, then crossing off the things that you have no control over
  • Make A Plan.
  • And Make A Schedule.

So, really, that second great tip was really four more great tips. So you had seven tips in all.

Now, for me, with the more stress and overwhelmed that I had in the past two weeks, when I sat down with my  3R’s and my 4M Mindset Method, and I wrote everything out, it made an amazing difference.

I went into the next day and my next week, knowing what I needed to do, which immediately reduced my stress. And also I thought about all of the things that I had no control over, and I gave my self permission to let those go.

So, if you’re feeling like you’re stuck in this stress cycle and you’re just overwhelmed with everything that’s going on. And that you have too much on your plate,… Try my two methods. the 3R’s and my 4M Mindset Method and I guarantee you’ll see a difference almost immediately. 

Well, I hope this information Helped you out.

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I want you to have a great day and remember as always…

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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