

How To Decrease Pain & Create Opportunities

Jun 7, 2022 | 0 comments

How To Decrease Pain & Create Opportunities

Hi, I’m Mark Marino.

So as the saying goes,

As one door closes, another door opens.

Now, we all have our challenges and problems in life, right? We all have opportunities that are seemingly taken away from us.

You get let go from a job.

You get into a car accident,

you lose a relationship.

You lose that big opportunity through no fault of your own.

You miss other big opportunities. Things happen and doors close.

So remember, as one door closes, another door opens, but what many people don’t know about the version of this quote from Alexander Graham bell is:

“As one door closes another one opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”

We do not see the opportunities that may be present to us. We don’t see the possible creation of opportunities that are equal to or greater than the ones that we’ve lost.

Napoleon hill said,

“Every problem comes with an equal or greater opportunity.”

It is our job to seek out the doors that are open to us. It is true that doors may be closed in our face. They may be closed often, but we shouldn’t ruminate on the fact that the door is closed in front of us.

Because, very often all we concentrate on is the problem at hand or the fact that the door is closed and we will sit there at that door and keep turning that door and wondering why this has happened to me.

And it keeps us blind to the possibilities and the options that other doors may open and that you look down the hallway of doors and that there’s an infinite number of doors that may be open to us.

Now this hit home for me in the last week or so in a couple of different ways.

One is that I am standing in the garage that I’m having renovated after having  two trees; trees that are 42 inches across that hit to another tree and crushed the back part of my garage.

At the time I was upset and I couldn’t see how this could possibly be a good thing.

I was in the process of remodeling part of my garage when, in the middle of it, in a Nor’easter that we had, two trees came across that back corner of the garage and crushed it down flat.

I had difficulty finding anybody to fix it, but what I found out in the next month is even though this seemingly stopped my renovation in tracks, the fact that these trees crushed the back corner allowed me to find a contractor that I could work with that will allow me to have a nicer garage than I ever would’ve had previously.

And this would not have happened unless these two trees happened to fallen into the back of my garage and crush it.

And another thing happened to me when a business opportunity that I had scheduled had been canceled. Now I was very excited about this business opportunity, but the fact that it was canceled ended up being a great opportunity for me. 

The business opportunity got pushed back to another date.  And the fact that this business opportunity was canceled, allowed me to do four to five different things in the same time span that I would not have been able to do if I accepted that business opportunity.

So the fact that I recognized that this door had been closed to me, but accepted it; I immediately started looking for new opportunities and new doors that were open to me.

But if I stayed focused on the closed door of that canceled business opportunity, I would not have seen those other doors that had opened to me.

And if I stayed in what I would consider a negative mindset loop and all I could focus on was that closed door.  Just sitting there wondering why this door was closed on me.  I would not have taken action to look for the opportunity that these other doors opening.

So you see, you must seek out the doors that are open to you. 

The possibilities that are there right in front of you that are only there, if you are looking for them.

But if you’re focused on ruminating on the problems and the challenges and the pain of what’s going on in your life, that you never see the opportunity that’s right there in front of you.

So how do you get past the closed door?

How do you get past the pain and create new opportunities and open doors for yourself?

Well, the first one is to Change Your Mindset.

And you’ve heard me say this in the past. If you focus on pain and problems, you will get more pain and problems. If you focused on the closed door, the door will remain closed. Or if you focused on the closed door, you won’t see the fact that there are other doors that are open to you.

Look down the hallway. There are an infinite number of doors that are possibilities for you. And recognizing the fact that this door is closed for you, or maybe this is the right door  but you have to just work harder at getting through that door.

But if you recognize that this door is no longer an option and this possibility in your life is no longer an option, you look down that path, you look down that hallway and see the infinite number of possibilities that are there for you. And the only way you see them is to take the step.

Number two, which is to Take Action.

First, is to change your mindset. First, be aware of the fact that this door is closed. Be open to the new possibilities of finding other challenges, other possibilities, other doors that are open for you.

And the second step is to take action to actively look for new possibilities, to look for new doors that are open to you.

You will create new opportunities just in the fact that you are actively looking. 

That you have opened your mind. 

That you will find something that is in the direction of the goals that you have set for yourself, which brings up a third point.

Many times, if all you’re doing is seeing the closed door, all you’re doing is seeing the problem.

It’s because you don’t have clarity on what you want. 

What you want to be.

What you want to do.

What you want to have,

but as you get clarity on what you want, guess what?… that closed door is just one obstacle>

You know what you want, you know what your goals are. So by taking action and looking for new opportunities, you will see the other doors that are open to you.

And once you find that door, once you find that door, that’s open to you. Open that door and walk through and take action in the direction of your goals.

Well, I hope this information Helped you out.

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I want you to have a great day and remember as always…

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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