

Tips On How To Choose Happiness

Jun 14, 2022 | 0 comments

How To Choose Happiness

Welcome to my garage renovation!

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Some of you know, about three months ago, during a Nor’easter, two huge trees fell on the back of my garage and crushed it. And now I’m standing in what would be, or what’s going to be my finished garage workshop. So I’m super psyched about that.

So I  sorry for any of the echoes or the lighting, and obviously you can see the, the spackling is getting close to being finished, but nothing’s painted and, and the high hat lights are not up. So a little bit of weird lighting.

So here we go. So today I’m going talk about happiness.

So why don’t we just choose to be happy?

Don’t you think it would be much easier if we just all actively chose to be happy all the time?

Well, it doesn’t work that way, Does it?

Studies show that we’re actually predisposed and hardwired to think negatively.

So today I’m going talk about:

Tips On How To Choose Your Happiness.

Now, in an article done for Psychology Today by Douglas Praete, he talks about the fact that cultures for centuries have developed more negative thoughts and words to ensure our survival and wellbeing in dealing with emotions like fear, anger, loss, surprise, and they outweigh the emotions that we have for love and joy that we usually have in times of prosperity and good times. 

We don’t have to worry as much about that now, because in today’s society, there’s less eminent threat to our survival. Although you might not say that in the recent times that we’ve had, but yet we still default to our negative thinking.

Now, very often you hear people say, and you may have also heard yourself saying this too.

“Oh, I’ll be happy when I get to this point or I’ll be happy when THIS happens or THAT happens, or I’ll just be happy when things settle down.”

But the fact of the matter is, is that there’s always challenging situations. There’ll always be things in our life that are going on. We’ll always say,

“Well, I’ll have happiness or I’ll be happy when I get to that point.”

You see if you’re caught in a negative mindset, or if you think negatively, most of the time, you’ll always say, well, I’ll just be happy when I get to this point.

Sidney Greenberg said,

“Life is a journey. It’s not a destination. Happiness is not there, It’s here. Happiness is not tomorrow it’s today.”

So don’t wait for happiness to be a destination. Choose to be happy right now.

So the first tip I would say today is, to recognize your negative thoughts.

Are you stuck in a negative thought cycle? And if you are to actively choose to think more positive and to be happy.

Remember Happiness is a Choice.

It’s not a destination. Happiness is the journey. You can decide to be happy. Now that’s not me saying, “just be happy and everything will be okay.” We know that’s not true.

It’s about having a positive, productive mindset about your life and about what happens in your life. We have literally hundreds of interactions during our day, and you actively have a choice for every single one. You can choose to be positive, or you can choose to be negative.

Make the active choice to be positive. Recognize your negative thought cycle. Pause, Before you respond to an interaction and choose to be positive and choose to be happy.

Joel Osteen said,

“life is flying by you. You Don’t have time to waste another minute on being negative, offended or bitter.”

You are an amazing person with amazing capabilities and abilities.

If you’re stuck in a negative mindset, and defaulting to the negative.  You won’t see your potential. You won’t progress forward because you’re stuck and mired down in a negative mindset loop.

Make the active choice to have a positive, proactive mindset, to be happy and you’ll see yourself moving forward and progressing forward.

Deepak Chopra said,

“No matter the situation, remind yourself, I have a choice.”

No matter what interaction you get into during your day, you have the choice to be positive and have a positive, proactive mindset, or to be negative.

Make the choice for happiness, make the choice to have a positive mindset and you will see results in your life.

So the next tip would be to set specific goals for yourself.

This will help you get clarity about what you want in life.

If you have a sense of purpose in reaching the destination of the goals that you have set for yourself, you’ll gravitate towards a positive, productive mindset.

And you’ll gravitate towards happier thoughts rather than a negative mindset loop that you may have been caught in previously.

Now here’s a few other quotes about happiness. That’ll help you out.

Nhat Hahn said,

“Sometimes joy is the source of your smile, but it may be that your smile can be the source of your joy.”

Sometimes when you’re stuck in a negative thought cycle and you’re having trouble breaking it, do something physical that will help you create a positive mindset. So if you’re having a tough time smile, sometimes that smile will bring on the joy. Like Naht Hahn said, sometimes your joy will bring on the smile.

Charlie chaplin said,

“You’ll never find rainbows if you’re always looking down.”

So make the active choice and decide to have a positive, proactive mindset and focus on positive thoughts and focus on being happy. And it will make a tremendous difference in your life.

And this is an anonymous quote.

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That is where the power is!”

So if you find yourself caught in a negative cycle, and if you’re watching this video and you’re enjoying my content, you probably are aware of when you’re having negative thoughts?

Sometimes that’s all it’s takes, is the recognition that you’re in a negative cycle to help break your cycle, to reset and to actively choose, to have a positive mindset and to focus on happiness.

And just that alone will make a tremendous difference.

Then try to set specific goals for yourself and get clarity about what you want. And if you have a sense of purpose going towards that destination towards reaching those goals that you’ve set for yourself, you’ll gravitate towards positive happy thoughts.

Well, I hope this information Helped you out.

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I want you to have a great day and remember as always…

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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