The Power of Consistency & Belief
Welcome My Friends.
Hope you enjoy the fast forward, time elapse video above, condensing a bunch of hours working on my house project, into less than a minute.
Even with glimpses of my wonderful family helping out.
Most of us like to grow and make positive life changes and many of us have big goals in mind.
Maybe you’ve been wanting to lose weight or improve your wellness in some other form. Or start a business, or learn to play the piano, and you started off strong working towards your goal, but something happened along the was and caused you to lose sight of that goal.
Perhaps something interrupted your belief and the consistent actions you were taking to achieve it?
I have big goals for 2022, my plans were set in motion and I was taking consistent actions each week to achieve those goals.
Earlier this year, however, I didn’t expect a nor’easter to drop two giant trees on my garage. The time and effort it required me to deal with the insurance, find a contractor and do the work threw a very big monkey wrench into the time and effort I had planned to put in the goals I had set out to accomplish for the year.
However, even though I could have looked at this mishap like a disaster, I kept my focus on believing that things would work out.
It turns out the trees falling on my house worked out because it helped expedite my project of a new workspace and podcasting studio that I had plans for and was slowly working towards!
Even with the renovations happening, I’ve managed to stay consistent with my actions towards my goals because I kept believing that they were possible, EVEN when it wan’t looking that way!
Like I said, you may have experienced something similar in your recent past or are going through something now and it’s disrupted your goals. If you are…know that you can stay with it and get through despite your challenges.
Susan Taylor said, ..
“Whatever we believe about ourselves and our ability comes true for us.”
There will always be challenges that happen to us but it is how we respond that makes all of the difference. Often times, it may seem that what has happen to us is a catastrophy but it can take time to understand what has happened and how we can respond to it to keep moving forward.
If you heard or read my content before you’ve heard me speak about “The Mindset Loop”. Your mindset loop starts with your thoughts and beliefs about yourselve.
If you have what I call a Positive ProActive Mindset which is having a positive, productive outlook regarding your life and what happens in your life, it will lead to positve actions which will lead to positive habits and results.
If you have a positive belief system about yourself and your life, it will effect every aspect of your life
We often have insecurities about our abilities that limit us from reaching our goals. And when you don’t believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish things is diminished. When this is your mindset, your are predisposed to a “Negative Mindset Loop” which will give you negative results in that area of your life.
Henry Ford Said,…
“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”
If you don’t think you can accomplish something, I gaurantee you, that you will not accomplish that something. But…If you believe in yourself, it is amazing what you will be able to accomplish.
You see, belief in yourself and your abilities is more than half the battle.
The other half of the battle is consistency of your actions over time.
When you have developed a Positive ProActive Mindset you, in effect, have biased your life to positive actions that will lead to positive results.. It is your job to continue your positve actions over time, which is CONSISTENCY.
Tony Robbins said,…
“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently,”
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF & Be Consistent with your actions that will lead you to the goals you have set for yourself.
You can do it.
This topic is so important to me that I have decided to do Part 2 for next week and do a full video for it.
I hope this information helped you out.
I want you to have a great day and remember as always…
Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,
Have a great day.
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