The #1 Way to Get Past The Problem That’s Holding You Back
More “Tails From The Trails”
I’m in the woods again. It’s getting a little dark. So hopefully you can see this video.
I see there’s a tendency for us to focus on problems In the negative. Because our brains are kind of hardwired to do that. Our brains are kind set to a negative.
Back in the day, when we were cave men and the only thing we had to worry about was whether we were going to be eaten by an animal or die in some other way, or something like that.
We are hardwired to see the negative to protect ourselves, but we don’t need that so much anymore. But there is a tendency for our brains to default to the negative. And so it’s easy to default to a negative when we’re thinking about ourselves and situations and how things affect us. We feel like sometimes the world is happening to us.
And it’s easy to be self critiquing and get caught in that cycle. And it’s hard to break. And you can be a relatively positive person, but still be critiquing yourself all the time and you’ll be our own worst enemy, right?
But what we need to do is, is focus on what I call a Positive, Proactive Mindset, being constructively positive to see positive aspects of our life. What’s going on in our lives and what happens to us.
And you know, negative things can happen to us from time to time, and it’s normal to get mad and upset and to not feel good or feel sad or mad or angry. And that’s okay. And I’ve said this before, it’s okay to be mad. It’s okay to be angry, but …it’s not okay to stay that way.
We need to reset ourselves.
And for me, resetting is getting back in nature and feeling like I’m connecting with myself. And it allows me to be, …allows nature to be a trigger for me to reset to a positive attitude.
But as I said about being solution oriented, … what we want to do is focus on the positive and to focus on solutions to problems.
And when you’re solution oriented, what happens is you look at any situation and say, “how am I going to solve this problem”. As opposed to seeing the problem in every situation.
Because, the way the brain is wired, your brain will give you back more of whatever you give it most during the day. So if you focus on pain problems, your brain’s goin to give you more pain problems.
But if you focus on solutions to challenges, then your brain will start to focus on how to solve any challenge that you come in contact with.
So you see, it’s a simple adjustment, but it’s very important in your thinking.
So what I want you to do is over the next day, or week or month or permanently, as you get better at it, is to focus on every situation or every challenge that comes your way;… and what you would previously see as a problem, to look at that as just another challenge that you have to solve.
And what you’ll see is that instead of problems seeming to rain down on you, you’ll start to focus on solutions and you’ll actually see opportunities come forward from what you would’ve seen previously see as problems.
So once you start making this change, I guarantee you’ll see a difference.
Well, I hope this information helps you out. This is, again, was my “Tales From The Trails.”
Again, solution oriented. Always focus on solutions.
I hope this informatiuon helped you out.
Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,
Have a great day.
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