3 Steps To Awaken Your Mindset
What is YOUR Mindset?
Do You have a positive Mindset or a Negative Mindset or maybe Both. Both; How is that possible? How could you have Both a Positive AND a Negative Mindset.
You see, may times it can happen, that you generally are a positive person but have a negative mindset about certain aspects of your life? Maybe it’s about your health, your weight, pain … or a relationship??
You will find that this is fairly common.
Whatever it is, It can be a vicious cycle that keeps us from reaching our goals.
For me, I was always, and still consider myself a very positive person but there were certain things in my life, like the pain that I had after my accident, that I was very negative about.
For me I had trouble reconciling this confusing inner fight within my brain.
You see,..Our Mind can be our strongest asset or our own worst enemy
Our Mindset controls our thoughts and beliefs. Our thoughts leads to action.
Our actions done repeatedly become our habits, out of which we get our results.
With respect to Mindset, I am giving you 3 Steps that help you enhance our Mindset.
First is, Awareness. The awareness that it is our Mindset that controls our thoughts and beliefs, our actions and ultimately our results. The awareness of this fact is the biggest step in moving forward in having a consistent Positive Mindset.
So becoming aware of this fact is the first and most important step to improving our mindset because once we have that awareness we then can make a conscious choice.
And CHOICE is the Next step. You see, we all have a choice as to whether we will have a positive mindset or negative mindset about something in our lives.
It sounds almost too simple and and your right. This is where you have to have the desire, will power and determination to make the CHOICE to have a positive mindset in your life and what you want to accomplish.
Every day we make a choice…What’s your choice?
Now that you are AWARE and have made the CHOICE to have a positive Mindset, then it becomes easy to set specific goals for yourself and that is when you start to take positive actions, which done repetitively, become positive habits.
And you know that positive habits will lead to positive results!
Now, the final step in having a consistent Positive Mindset is:
Commitment is being accountable to yourself and what your thoughts and actions are.
When you wake up every day or when you find yourself in any situation during your day, you have 100% control over how you will respond. So make the choice to respond in a positive manner that will get you positive results.
So in review the 3 steps to have a Positive Mindset is:
- Awareness: Awareness that your Mindset is the Primary Key to progress in your life.
- Choice: Making the conscious choice to have a positive mindset
- Commitment: Being accountable to yourself, your thoughts and your actions and being responsible for your own results in life.
Now, if you’re reading this , then you probably already have the awareness or beginning to have the awareness that your mindset is so important.
If that’s true for yourself then MAKE THE CHOICE, to have a Positive Mindset and move forward and progress toward reaching all your goals.
Have a great day & Remember.
Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused & Be Well
Mark Marino