The Key To Starting Good Habits
Your ability to start good habits and maintain them over time will determine your progress and results in any aspect of your life.
Today, I’m going to be talking about the key to starting good habits to improve your health and wellness.
If you’re stuck in a negative cycle and you’re feeling like you’re not getting anywhere, you’re not reaching the goals that you’ve set for yourself, and you just don’t seem to be making any headway. Very often, it comes back to your habits.
So how do we break bad habits and start good habits?
The key to progress in any aspect of your life and developing good habits is developing what I call a positive proactive mindset.
Now, to understand the positive, proactive mindset, let’s talk about what I call the mindset loop. Now the mindset loop is neutral and it starts with our thoughts.
Now, if you’re stuck in a negative mindset cycle, what happens is that we have negative thoughts and our negative thoughts develop into negative actions and our actions done repetitively over time, create our habits and our habits are what are going to give us our results in life.
So you see if we have a negative mindset or a negative thought process, it will develop negative habits, which will give us negative results. Now, we don’t always know that the cycle is working in the background, and it’s hard to see sometimes that we have a negative mindset, cause you can be a generally positive person, but still have a negative mindset about certain aspects of your life. It could be fitness. It could be your weight. It could be the status of your health. At this time, it could be relationships. It could be any of these things.
You can be a positive person, but have a negative mindset regarding these different topics. What happens is, that your negative mindset on these certain aspects of your life will keep you doing negative actions, which done repetitively, will give you negative habits with regard to this area of your life and negative habits done over time. Repetitively, will give you negative results.
Now, remember it’s a neutral loop. So if you can develop or make the choice to have a positive, proactive mindset, you can then determine and choose to have positive actions in this aspect of your life. And again, positive actions done repetitively over time will give you positive results.
Now, if you know me and you’ve seen a lot of my content, you know, one of my favorite quotes is…
“If you always do what you’ve always done,
then you’ll always be what you’ve always been.”
Now, listen to that again. If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always be what you’ve always been, which is talking about our habits done repetitively over time.
So if we keep doing the same things that we’re doing in this negative loop, we will continue to get the negative results that we’ve been getting.
So for you to get new results in the area of your life, that you want new results, and then you have to do things differently. If you want to get positive results and new results, then you have to do things differently than how you’ve been doing them so far.
But the key is that it starts with a positive mindset. It’s you choosing to have a positive mindset in this aspect of your life. And by having a positive mindset that will determine and develop into positive actions and the positive actions done repetitively over time will create positive habits and routines and those positive and habits and routines over time will give you positive results, which is what you’re looking for.
And again, if you’re stuck in a negative mindset loop right now, or having negative results in a certain aspect of your life, whether it’s business relationships, health, and wellness, then it’s your choice to, then, develop a positive mindset in this area.
I like to say that…
“We Are a Product of Our Thoughts
And Actions Up To This Point In Time In Our Lives”.
So if you’re not happy with your results in a certain area of your life, from this point forward, you can change your thoughts and actions.
If you change your thoughts and actions from this point forward in a certain aspect of your life, then you can develop the habits that you want to develop.
And so again, if we are a product of our thoughts and actions up to this point in time, and our actions, done repetitively, give us our habits and our habits give us our results; our ability to improve our positive, good habits and to decrease our negative habits will determine our results in any area of our life.
So again, our job is to, if we have a positive mindset, you can then have the frame of reference to set goals in that area of your life.
And by setting goals, that will give you the positive actions that are needed to be done repetitively over time to give you the habits and routines that will give you the good results that you’re searching for. So you see the key to starting good habits, maintaining them over time to give you the results you want is choosing to have a positive, proactive mindset. And this positive mindset will start off the positive mindset loop, where your positive thoughts will develop positive actions in this area of your life. And these positive actions done repetitively over time. We’ll give you the positive habits you’re looking for, which in turn will give you the positive results.
Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,
Have a great day.
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