

The Secret Of: Why Not You, Why Not Now

Dec 28, 2021 | 0 comments

The Secret Of: Why Not You, Why Not Now

I’m out here in the bamboo again, today, and it’s a little bit colder and normal.

So I wanted to talk to you today about the late great Jim Rohn, the motivational speaker. 

He had a famous speech where he talked to people about four questions that you should ask yourself. The questions were why?, why not? Why not you? and why not now?

Well, today I’m gonna discuss The Secret Of Why Not You, Why Not Now?

Now in this speech, Jim Rohn ask you to ask yourself four questions. And he said, start off with the question, Why?

  • Why should I work this hard?
  • Why should I try to do all the things that I’m trying to do?
  • Why should I try to learn so much?
  • Why should I try to do it all?
  • Why should I try and put myself out?
  • Why should I try to take on as much responsibility as I am?
  • Why should I try to become everything thing that I could possibly become?

He said, now you, personally, are the only one that can answer these questions. You have to come up with your own list of whys.

Now I think that the conflict comes in when our thoughts and our actions, aren’t in alignment with where we think we should be. And that there can be further conflict, when you don’t have clarity, with respect to where you want to be in your life.

Now, very often you’ll have insecurities about your abilities to accomplish what you want.

You can have fear, stress, anxieties, self-doubt. And when you go to answer the question, “why not you?”, your brain will answer you and your brain will give you all the negative reasons why you can’t do something.

But The Secret of figuring out “Why Not You, and Why Not Now?…IS

and as you’ve heard me say before, and I’ll say it again, I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it,…

You need to first believe in yourself. You need to know that you are in control and that you’re so much stronger than you realize you are.

So instead of starting with the question, why, I want you to start with the question, what.

  • What do you want?,
  • What do you specifically want?
  • What are your goals?
  • What are your specific goals?

Then you can ask yourself, Why.

  • Why do I want to reach these specific goals?
  • What is my desire?
  • What is my motivation?
  • What is the driving force behind the power that will enable me to reach these goals?

So then when you know what you specifically want and why you want it, what is the driving force behind why you want it. Maybe it’s your family. Maybe it’s yourself. Maybe it’s a legacy that you want to leave long after you’re gone.

Once you know the what, and you know the why, then you can determine the how, and then your brain can start to go to work on how you will accomplish the goals that you want to reach.

But remember, first it starts with believing in yourself and knowing that you’re in control and knowing that you are strong enough to accomplish what you want.

So when you believe in yourself and you know that you are in control and you know that you have the power to do what you want then you determine what you specifically want and why you want it.  What is the driving force behind why you want to accomplish these goals?

Then you can decide to start now, because when you have fears, when you have stress, you have anxiety, you have self-doubt, …you will have a tendency to put things off.

You don’t trust your yourself.

You don’t believe in yourself to reach the goals, but guess what?

…When you believe in yourself and you know you can do it and you determine specifically what you want and why you want it, then “the how” becomes easy. Then you can specifically plan out how I’m gonna accomplish your goals.

So When your determine your “How”, then it’s time to TAKE ACTION!

I hope this information helped you out!

Have a wonderful Week!

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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