

The Power Of The Focused Mind

Jun 21, 2022 | 0 comments

The Power Of The Focused Mind

So I kept going back and forth about what I was going to talk about in this video. And I kept coming back to

The Focused Mind.

Now, for some of you who know me, you know about 25 years ago, I was involved in a life threatening car accident where I was in a friend’s car and the car got T-boned by another car, right where I was sitting. 

I was helicoptered to the local trauma hospital after they cut me out of the car.  I had eight fractures in my right leg, where they put rods and pins and screws and plates. And I fractured my back. I didn’t walk for about six months. I was out of work for about a year.

The orthopedic surgeons did a great job and put me back together, but at the end of the day, I still had chronic pain for a long time. And for years I had chronic pain.

Now, I’m a physical therapist for those of you who know me.  And I specialized in manual therapy because of what I went through in my accident, but that didn’t change the fact that I still had a lot of pain.

And so I went on a search. I finally got to the point where I said enough is enough and I looked for ways that I could break the cycle of my chronic pain.

I went on a “search” and I looked for and read topics on everything from chronic pain to psychology, to personal development, to self-help.

And the realization that I came to over time was that it was my mindset that is most important.

So today I want to talk to you about your mindset, the focused mind, and how changing your focus can change your life.

Now because of my accident and my chronic pain, and then my search for a way to break out of this cycle, It came down to me realizing that the most important thing for me was my mindset.

So I’ve been trying to bring my message of enhancing your mindset out to the world for the past 15 to 20 years.

Now, in my course, The Focused Mind, I talk about how important your mindset is and how important it is to find clarity about what you want to be, do, and have.  It’s about having the right outlook and attitude. It’s about making choices and the commitment that you make to yourself and others. It’s about understanding yourself and being present in the moment and being solution oriented so that you’re not just focusing on the problems and the negative aspects of your life, but you’re focusing on solutions to your challenges.

Now you’ve heard me talk about this before, but very often the challenges that we have are when we are stuck in a negative mindset loop.

And you see, this mindset loop starts with our thoughts and our beliefs about ourselves.

And that’s what our mindset is. It’s a way of thinking or set of beliefs that determines our behavior and our behavior is what our actions are.

So, if you’re stuck in a negative mindset loop and you have negative thoughts and negative beliefs about yourself and your situation, then that’s going to overflow into negative actions, which done repetitively are goin to give you negative results over time.

So what I found is, if you focus on your mindset and you change your story, you change your belief system about yourself. In essence, you change your mindset.

Then what happens is that changes that negative mindset loop and slows it down and starts to change it into a positive mindset loop.

And so, as I said, with the mindset loop; at the top of that loop is your thoughts and your beliefs about yourself. It’s your mindset.

And as you start to have a more positive mindset, what happens is that starts to lead to positive actions.

And if you get clarity about what you want and focus on specifically where you want to go, that completely changes your focus.

So now, rather than focusing on the negative aspects of your life and focusing on all of the problems that are going on in your life.

Now that your mindset is changed to a positive mindset and getting clarity about what you want to be do, and have, that starts to lead to positive actions. Positive actions done repetitively lead to positive habits and positive habits gives you positive results. And that feeds back into your positive mindset.

So you see if you’re caught in this negative mindset, or if you just have one aspect of your life, that’s not going right. And everything seems to be happening to you. And it just seems like nothing is going right in this avenue of your life, go back to your mindset and what you’re focusing on.

Are you determined to set goals in the specific areas for what you want, or are you focusing on the problems and the challenges of what’s going on?

Because remember, if you focus on your problems and you focus on your pain, your brain will give you more of whatever you focusing on most during your day.

So if you’re focusing on the pain and all the negative aspects of what’s going on in your life, your brain will just give you more back of that cycle. And so this negative mindset cycle seems to be a self perpetuating mode until you make the choice that you will not accept this anymore.

And what happens is then you finally realize is what you have to focus on is that nothing is going to save you from this negative cycle. It’s you that has to save yourself.

You set specific goals and get clarity about what you want in that area of your life. And once you do that, then you will start to see that that leads to positive actions. And then you’ll see that get you the positive results that you’re looking for.

So if you are out there right now, listening to me and you’re having a negative challenge in your life, or if you feel like you’re stuck in a negative loop in any area of your life, what I want you to do; don’t wait for someone or something to come in and save you for  everything will magically get better.

What I want you to do is take responsibility. And I want you to focus on your mindset, decide how you’re gonna improve your situation and decide how you’re going to change this negative cycle or this negative mindset loop to a positive one.

And this is developing what I call a positive proactive mindset.

Once you do this, then you can sit down and decide what you specifically want.  Set out specific goals for what you want in this area of your life. And as you do that, all of a sudden your journey down the path will start to get much more clear and you will start to take actions; positive actions that will lead you down that road.

And if something negative comes up, once you’ve set yourself on this positive path with this positive mindset, you will know, and you’ll be able to block out that negative energy that’s affecting you and keep focusing on what your goal is.

And you’ll find that you start to get the positive results in your life. And now this positive mindset loop will start to perpetuate itself.

And I tell you what, I’d much rather have a positive mindset loop than a negative one.

I hope this information helped you out.

I want you to have a great day and remember as always…

Be Positive, Be Motivated, Be Focused and Be Well,

Have a great day.


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