Every Day We Make A Choice

Every Day We Make A Choice

Every Day We Make A Choice What Will Your Choice Be? My last audio blog, I spoke about the 3 steps to enhance your mindset. The 3 Steps are: Awareness, Choice and Commitment. In this weeks audio blog, I talk more about “Choice” and The Choice we make every...
3 Steps To Enhance Your Mindset

3 Steps To Enhance Your Mindset

3 Steps To Awaken Your Mindset What is YOUR Mindset? Do You have a positive Mindset or a Negative Mindset or maybe Both.  Both; How is that possible?  How could you have Both a Positive AND a Negative Mindset. You see, may times it can happen, that you generally are a...
5 Keys To Awaken Your Wellness

5 Keys To Awaken Your Wellness

(See The Written Blog Post Below) Awaken Your Wellness As some of you know, I am a Physical therapist, but what a lot of you may NOT know is that I was, at one time, a chronic pain sufferer. Yes, I was in a major car accident with severe injuries and multiple...